Коллеги, добрый день!
Ниже привожу переписку с представителем Tech Soft 3D.
Судя по последнему ответу (текст ответа стоит впереди) - при использовании пакета ObjectARX программы будут работать только при наличии AutoCAD.
Хотя, я возможно, что-то не так понял, или же наоборот - полной уверенности что мы поняли друг друга нет.
Сомнения на счет невозможности реализации все же остались, т.к., согласен с Александром Ривилисом:
сторонний писатель плагина может при отладке своего плагина пользоваться acdbmgd.dll из RealDWG
- по крайней мере, на первый взгляд, шевелиться должно.
Dear Alexander,
In response to you 4 points….
2. If you link something with ObjectARX libraries, the output can’t run unless there is an AutoCAD is the host application, i. e. RealDWG based applications can’t host such a dll.
3. This scenario is only possible within AutoCAD present, see 2. Above. A similar function can be exposed from a RealDWG based application, but that would need to be done by the 3rd party developer.
4. Again, this is only possible using AutoCAD as the host application.
-DavidFrom: Alexandr Loza
Sent: 24 August 2016 15:14
To: David Grieve
Hello, David,
A bit of clarification.
Is it possible the next scenario?
1. Using RealDWG SDK (using .NET) I open a dwg file from my main application.
2. Then load user’s dll (Plugins, which was be built by users using ObjectARX)
3. And then execute the certain function(class method) from dll with one parameter – Database. So, I Pass Database object to user’s dll function.
4. Dll (Plugin) is build using free ObjectARX and use only AcDbMgd.dll from Object ARX. Certain Method accept DataBase object as a parameter, extract some information and return something. The main idea is – this dll is built by Object ARX and is editable by users (but use only AcDbMgd.dll). But it need to run from RealDWG application.
Now I think that it is possible and there is no violations in this scenario.
Confirm please if I'm right
From: David Grieve
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 2:15 PM
To: Alexandr Loza
Hello Alexander,
If you create a program that uses the RealDWG SDK then the host program will be your program. You will be able to add file reading and interrogation features using the RealDWG SDK (using AcDbMgd.dll). However, this is not a plug-in.
Your client will not be able to write plug-ins to your host program, unless of course you create your own API. The API must not duplicate functions used in RealDWG.