У меня ошибки. Нашел к ним вопрос и ответ:
But VS is showing some error in aced.h in the line :
typedef void (WINAPI* AcEdColorDialogCallbackFunction)(void *pCallbackData, const AcCmColor& newColor);
We have included a screenshot of the error. Please let us know how to resolve it.
One thing that's changed with ObjectARX 2018 is that some header files that used to be automatically included no longer are. WIndows.h is one such header file. I suspect that's your problem adding a #include <windows.h> in one or more of your source files will fix it.
Ну и куда вставлять #include <windows.h> если файлов в проекте сотни?
Очень много вот таких ошибок при линковке с кодами LNK2019 и LNK2001. Идей не осталось как их исправить.
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp_GetPrompt_ referenced in function "int __cdecl ChildDLG0(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned __int64,__int64)" (?ChildDLG0@@YAHPEAUHWND__@@I_K_J@Z) af_option E:\cpp_Viks-I-2017_no_hasp\custom\af_option\VIKS_DLG.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol __imp_GetPrompt_ af_option E:\cpp_Viks-I-2017_no_hasp\custom\af_option\arfa_tc.obj 1