;;; api-xml.lsp
;;; Prepared by: J. Szewczak
;;; Date: 4 January 2004
;;; Purpose: To provide an API for interfacing with XML files.
;;; Copyright (c) 2004 - AMSEC LLC - All rights reserved
;;; Version 2004.01.04
;;; MODULE: api-error
;;; DESCRIPTION: wraps a function to trap Active-X errors - if error is found
;;; DESCRIPTION: function returns nil.
;;; ARGS: function to check, list of arguments, boolean (return error message?) T or nil
;;; EXAMPLE: (api-error '/ (list 50 0) T) displays "VLISP Error: divide by zero" & returns 'nil'
;;; Отредактировано by Владимир Северюхин
(defun api-error (func lst bool / trap)
( (vl-catch-all-error-p
(setq trap (vl-catch-all-apply func lst))
(if bool
; (princ
(strcat "\nVLISP XML Error: " (vl-catch-all-error-message trap))
; )
(setq trap nil)
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Document
;;; DESCRIPTION: queries an XML file for the DOM Active-X object
;;; ARGS: XML file (string); a variable to store the DOM object
;;; EXAMPLE:(XML-Get-Document projfile 'XMLDoc) returns vla-object
(defun XML-Get-Document (file XMLDoc)
(if (findfile file)
(set XMLDoc (vlax-create-object "MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")) ;;create XML-DOM pipeline
(vlax-put-property (eval XMLDoc) "async" :vlax-false)
( (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list (eval XMLDoc) "Load" file) T) ;; Load Project File into XML-DOM pipeline
(eval XMLDoc)
(alert "\nXML Document could not be found.")
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-XMLObject
;;; DESCRIPTION: this gets the top-level parent node object in a given XML Document
;;; ARGS: filename (string)
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-XMLObject filename) returns VLA-OBJECT
(defun XML-Get-XMLObject (file / docObj xmlTop xmlVer object)
(if (findfile file)
(setq docObj (XML-Get-Document file 'docObj)
xmlTop (vlax-get-property docObj "childNodes") ;; Get the Top Level of the XML
xmlVer (vlax-invoke-method xmlTop "nextNode") ;; Gets the XML version element
object (vlax-invoke-method xmlTop "nextNode") ;; Gets the Parent element
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-ElementKey
;;; DESCRIPTION: returns the requested tags text.
;;; ARGS: Parent - the parent collection object, tag name - must be unique tag name
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-ElementKey laydef "Name") returns "ANNOTATION"
(defun XML-Get-ElementKey (parent tag / el desc)
(if (vlax-method-applicable-p parent 'getElementsByTagName)
(setq el (vlax-invoke-method parent 'getElementsByTagName tag))
(if (> (vlax-get-property el 'Length) 0)
(setq desc (vlax-get-property (vlax-invoke-method el 'nextNode) 'text))
(vlax-invoke-method el 'reset)
(princ "\nXML Object could not be searched.")
(if desc desc nil)
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-ElementKey-Object
;;; DESCRIPTION: returns the requested tags object.
;;; ARGS: Parent - the parent collection object, tag name - must be unique tag name
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-ElementKey-Object laydef "Name") returns VLA-OBJECT
(defun XML-Get-ElementKey-Object (parent tag / el desc)
(if (vlax-method-applicable-p parent 'getElementsByTagName)
(setq el (vlax-invoke-method parent 'getElementsByTagName tag))
(if (> (vlax-get-property el 'Length) 0)
(setq desc (vlax-invoke-method el 'nextNode))
(vlax-invoke-method el 'reset)
(princ "\nXML Object could not be searched.")
(if desc desc nil)
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Parent
;;; DESCRIPTION: Gets a top level object from the XML object with the given name
;;; ARGS: a valid XML object, the name of the parent level
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-Parent oXML "Leaders") returns VLA-OBJECT
(defun XML-Get-Parent (oXML name)
(vlax-invoke-method oXML 'GetElementsByTagName name)
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Children
;;; DESCRIPTION: gets the child object from a parent level
;;; ARGS: XML object, Parent name
;;; EXAMPLE: none
(defun XML-Get-Children (oXML parentName / return)
( (/= parentName nil)
(if (vlax-invoke-method (XML-Get-Parent oXML parentName) 'hasChildNodes)
(setq return (vlax-get-property (XML-Get-Parent oXML parentName) 'childNodes))
( T (if (vlax-invoke-method oXML 'hasChildNodes) (setq return (vlax-get-property oXML 'childNodes))))
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-ChildList
;;; DESCRIPTION: returns a list of all child objects under a parent XML Object
;;; ARGS: XML object
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-ChildList objXML) returns a list of VLA-Objects
(defun XML-Get-ChildList (oXML / collection child lst)
( (vlax-invoke-method oXML 'hasChildNodes)
(setq collection (XML-Get-Children oXML nil))
(while (setq child (vlax-invoke-method collection 'nextNode))
(setq lst (if lst (cons child lst) (list child)))
(reverse lst)
(princ "\nObject has no children")
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Child
;;; DESCRIPTION: gets a specific child name under the parent level with given name
;;; ARGS: XML object, parent level, child name
;;; EXAMPLE: (setq oPointers (XML-Get-Child oXML "Leaders" "Pointers")) returns VLA-Object
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-Child oPointers nil "ArrowSize") used you only want to go one deep...
(defun XML-Get-Child (oXML parentName childName / child target)
( (/= parentName nil) (setq child (XML-get-Children oXML parentName)))
( T (setq child (vlax-get-property oXML 'childNodes)))
(setq target (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list child 'nextNode) T))
(/= (vlax-get-property target 'tagName) childName)
(setq target (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list child 'nextNode) T))
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Child-ByAttribute
;;; DESCRIPTION: gets a specific child name under the parent level with given attribute and attribute value
;;; ARGS: XML object, parent level, attribute to search by, attribute value to match
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-Child-ByAttribute oLayers "LayerDefinitions" "Name" "ANNOTATION") returns VLA-OBJECT
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-Child-ByAttribute oLayerDefs nil "Name" "ANNOTATION") used when you only want to go one deep...
(defun XML-Get-Child-ByAttribute (oXML parentName attrib attribValue / parent rtn)
(if parentName
(setq parent (XML-Get-Child oXML nil parentName))
(setq parent oXML)
(foreach itm (XML-Get-ChildList parent)
(if (= (XML-Get-Attribute itm attrib "") attribValue)
(setq rtn itm)
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Child-Value
;;; DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the value from the 'Text property of a child element
;;; ARGS: XML object, parent Name, Child Name
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-Child-Value oXML "TaskInfo" "FSCM") returns "4T323"
(defun XML-Get-Child-Value (oXML parentName childName)
(if (XML-Get-Child oXML parentName childName)
(vlax-get-property (XML-Get-Child oXML parentName childName) 'text)
;;; MODULE: XML-Put-Child
;;; DESCRIPTION: updates the text in a given child node
;;; ARGS: XML object, parent node name, child node to change, value to change to
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Put-Child oXML "DrawingSetup" "DrawingMode" "MicroScale")
(defun XML-Put-Child (oXML parentName childName valu / child return)
(setq valu (vl-princ-to-string valu))
(setq child (XML-Get-Child oXML parentName childName))
(api-error 'vlax-put-property (list child 'text valu) T)
;;; MODULE: XML-Remove-Child
;;; DESCRIPTION: removes the specified child object node
;;; ARGS: XML node object
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Remove-Child oXML)
(defun XML-Remove-Child (rmvChild / parent)
(setq parent (vlax-get-property rmvChild 'parentNode))
(api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list parent 'removeChild rmvChild) T)
;;; MODULE: XML-Add-Child
;;; DESCRIPTION: adds a Child element to the given parent object
;;; ARGS: Parent Level VLA-Object, name of new child
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Add-Child oXML "LayerKey") returns the newly created child node object
(defun XML-Add-Child (parent name / xmlDoc newElement return)
(setq xmlDoc (vlax-get-property parent 'ownerDocument))
(if (not parent) (setq parent xmlDoc))
(if (setq newElement (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list xmlDoc 'createElement name) T))
(setq return (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list parent 'appendChild newElement) T))
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Attribute
;;; DESCRIPTION: returns an XML object's named attribute value
;;; ARGS: XML object, attribute name (string), a default value to return if there is no value found in the XML object
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-Attribute oXML "Name" "Default") might return "ANNOTATION"
(defun XML-Get-Attribute (oXML name default / att return)
(if (setq att (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list oXML 'getAttributeNode name) T))
(if att
;; due to the fact that the Text property strips trailing and leading white characters
;; when using the 'get' method. the Value property has been used instead.
(vlax-variant-value (vlax-get-Property att "Value"))
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Attribute-List
;;; DESCRIPTION: returns a list of strings corresponding to the names of the XML object's attributes
;;; ARGS: XML object
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-Attribute-List oXML) might return ("Name" "Color" "LineType" "LineWeight" "Plottable" "Comment")
(defun XML-Get-Attribute-List (oXML / lst attCollection count)
(if (setq attCollection (vlax-get-property oXML 'attributes))
(setq count 0)
(while (< count (vlax-get-property attCollection 'length))
(setq lst (append lst (list (vlax-get-property (vlax-get-property attCollection 'item count) 'Name)))
count (1+ count)
;;; MODULE: XML-Put-Attribute
;;; DESCRIPTION: function to put an XML attribute value -- will add the attribute if not already there
;;; ARGS: XML object, attribute name (string), a value to change the attribute to
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Put-Attribute oXML "Name" "Default") might return vla-object
(defun XML-Put-Attribute (oXML name valu / att return)
( valu (setq valu (vl-princ-to-string valu)))
( (not valu) (setq valu ""))
(if (not (XML-Get-Attribute oXML name nil))
(XML-Add-Attribute oXML name "")
(api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list oXML 'setAttribute name valu) T)
;;; MODULE: XML-Add-Attribute
;;; DESCRIPTION: adds an attribute to the Parent Object with given name, and the optional value
;;; ARGS: Parent Level VLA-Object, name of new attribute, value (optional)
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Add-Attribute oXML "Name" "Default") returns the newly created attribute XML object.
(defun XML-Add-Attribute (parent name valu / xmlDoc newAttribute newAtt)
(setq xmlDoc (vlax-get-property parent 'ownerDocument))
(if (setq newAttribute (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list xmlDoc 'createAttribute name) T))
(setq attNodeMap (vlax-get-property parent 'attributes)
newAtt (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list attNodeMap 'setNamedItem newAttribute) T)
(if valu (vlax-put-property newAtt 'Text valu))
;;; MODULE: XML-Get-Value
;;; DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the value from the 'Text property of the supplied XML Element object
;;; ARGS: XML object
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Get-Value oXML) returns "4T323"
(defun XML-Get-Value (oXML)
(api-error 'vlax-get-property (list oXML 'text) T)
;;; MODULE: XML-Put-Value
;;; DESCRIPTION: Puts a text value into the 'Text property of the supplied XML Element object
;;; ARGS: XML object, text string
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Put-Value oXML "4T323") returns T if successful nil if not.
(defun XML-Put-Value (oXML str)
(api-error 'vlax-put-property (list oXML 'text str) T)
(if (= (XML-Get-Value oXML) str)
;;; MODULE: XML-SaveAs
;;; DESCRIPTION: Writes the parsed XML object out to the given file
;;; ARGS: XML document object or XML element object, fully qualified filename to save to
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-SaveAs oXML "C:\\projects\\npy structure.swp")
(defun XML-SaveAs (oXML file)
( (= (vlax-get-property oXML 'nodeTypeString) "element")
(api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list (vlax-get-property oXML 'ownerDocument) 'save file) T)
( T (api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list oXML 'save file) T))
;;; MODULE: XML-Save
;;; DESCRIPTION: Writes the parsed XML object out to its parent file
;;; ARGS: XML document object or XML element object
;;; EXAMPLE: (XML-Save oXML)
(defun XML-Save (oXML / doc file)
( (= (vlax-get-property oXML 'nodeTypeString) "element")
(setq doc (vlax-get-property oXML 'ownerDocument))
( T (setq doc oXML))
(setq file (vl-string-subst "\\" "/" (vl-string-left-trim "file:///" (vlax-get-property doc 'url))))
(api-error 'vlax-invoke-method (list doc 'save file) T)