(defun My-overkill2 ( alst Tolerance / lst ss fuz ignore no-plines n-partial no-EndtoEnd
ss2 n na plst na2 vlst j k
; (acet-autoload '("pljoin.lsp" "(acet-pljoin ss st fuz)"))
;; extract the arguments from the arg list
(setq lst '(ss fuz ignore no-plines no-partial no-EndtoEnd))
(setq n 0)
(repeat (min (length alst) (length lst))
(set (nth n lst) (nth n alst))
(setq n (+ n 1));setq
(setq lst nil)
'("highlight" 0
"ucsicon" 0
"pickstyle" 0
"osmode" 0
(if (not no-plines)
;; Break plines down to individual objects and re-assemble what's left over later
(setq plst (acet-plines-explode ss)
ss (car plst) ;; new selection set with plines removed and new objects added
plst (cadr plst) ;; data used to re-build the plines later
);progn then ok to optimize plines
;; Delete the perfect matches first
(setq ss2 (acet-ss-remove-dups ss fuz ignore)
ss (car ss2)
ss2 (cadr ss2)
(if ss2
;(command "_.erase" ss2 "")
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 duplicate(s) deleted.\n" (itoa (sslength ss2))))
);progn then
(setq ss2 (ssadd));setq else create an empty selection set
(if (not (and no-partial ; don't do overlappers and don't do endtoend means exact
no-endtoend ; dups only so we're done if both of these are true
;;;;;;;;;;(setq vlst (acet-overkill-ss->primitives2 ss 0.0000001 ignore) **********************************************************
(setq vlst (my-overk-primitives2 ss tolerance ignore)
j 0
);setq then ok to combine at least some parallel segments
);progn then
(acet-ui-progress-init "Optimizing objects" (length vlst))
(setq n 1)
(foreach lst vlst
(if (> (length lst) 2)
(if (= 0 (car (car lst)))
(setq k (my-over2 lst ss2 fuz no-partial no-endtoend)); lines
(setq k (my-over-arcs2 lst ss2 fuz no-partial no-endtoend)); arcs
(setq ss2 (cadr k)
k (car k)
j (+ j k)
(princ " ")
(princ "\r")
(princ (acet-str-format "%1 object(s) deleted." (itoa j)))
);progn then more than one object in the list
(acet-ui-progress-safe n)
(setq n (+ n 1));setq
);foreach list of potential over-lapers
(setq na (entlast))
(if (and ss2
(> (sslength ss2) 0)
(acet-ss-entdel ss2) ;then delete this stuff before pline re-build
(if plst
(acet-plines-rebuild plst)
(if (and ss2
(> (sslength ss2) 0)
(acet-ss-entdel ss2) ;; bring it back and then use erase
(acet-safe-command T T (list "_.erase" ss2 "")) ;; so that can be oops'd back
);progn then
(princ "\n")
);defun my-overkill
(defun my-over2 ( lst ss2 fuz no-partial no-endtoend /
index m m2 n x na na2 p1 p2 p3 p4 mod j a b e1
(setq a (car lst)
lst (cdr lst)
m (nth 1 a) ;; xy slope
m2 (nth 3 a) ;; yz slope
;; if the lines are not vertical then set index x else set it to y
(m (setq index 0)) ;; slope is defined in xy plane so use x coord
(m2 (setq index 1)) ;; slope is defined in yz plane so use y coord
(T (setq index 2)) ;; the lines is parallel to the z axis so use the z coord.
);cond close
;(print a)
;(print lst)
;(print index)
;(getstring "hey")
;; Get the lines in a left to right configuration
;; then sort the list of lines from left to right
(setq lst (mapcar '(lambda ( x / a b )
(if (< (nth index (car x))
(nth index (cadr x))
(setq a (car x)
b (cadr x)
);setq then
(setq b (car x)
a (cadr x)
);setq else
(list a b (caddr x))
lst (vl-sort lst
'(lambda (a b)
(< (nth index (car a)) (nth index (car b)))
x (car lst)
p1 (car x)
p2 (cadr x)
na (caddr x)
j 0
(setq n 1)
(repeat (- (length lst) 1)
(setq x (nth n lst)
p3 (car x)
p4 (cadr x)
na2 (caddr x)
((equal (nth index p3) (nth index p2) fuz)
(if (not no-endtoend)
(if (> (nth index p4) (nth index p2))
(setq p2 p4
mod T
);setq then partial overlap
(setq ss2 (ssadd na2 ss2))
;(entdel na2)
(setq j (+ j 1))
);progn then ok to combine endtoend
);cond #1 end to end
((< (nth index p3) (nth index p2))
(if (not no-partial)
(if (> (nth index p4) (nth index p2))
(setq p2 p4
mod T
);setq then partial overlap
(setq ss2 (ssadd na2 ss2))
;(entdel na2)
(setq j (+ j 1))
);progn then ok to combine partially overlaping objects
);cond #2 overlap-age
(if mod
(setq e1 (entget na)
e1 (subst (cons 10 p1) (assoc 10 e1) e1)
e1 (subst (cons 11 p2) (assoc 11 e1) e1)
(entmod e1)
);progn then modify the first ent before moving on to the next non-overlaper
(setq p1 p3
p2 p4
na na2
(setq mod nil)
);cond #3 no overlap
);cond close
(setq n (+ n 1))
(if mod
(setq e1 (entget na)
e1 (subst (cons 10 p1) (assoc 10 e1) e1)
e1 (subst (cons 11 p2) (assoc 11 e1) e1)
(entmod e1)
);progn then modify
;; Return the number of objects deleted and the update selection set
(list j ss2)
);defun my-overkill-resolve-lines
(defun my-over-arcs2 ( lst ss2 fuz no-partial no-endtoend /
index slope n x na na2 a b a2 b2 mod j e1
(setq lst (cdr lst)
lst (mapcar '(lambda ( x / a b )
(setq a (acet-angle-format (nth 2 x))
b (acet-angle-format (nth 3 x))
(if (<= b a)
(setq b (+ b pi pi))
(list (nth 0 x) (nth 1 x) a b (nth 4 x))
lst (vl-sort lst
'(lambda (a b)
(< (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b))
x (car lst)
a (nth 2 x) ;start angle
b (nth 3 x) ;end angle
na (nth 4 x)
j 0
(setq n 1)
(repeat (- (length lst) 1)
(setq x (nth n lst)
a2 (nth 2 x)
b2 (nth 3 x)
na2 (nth 4 x)
((equal a2 b 0.00000001)
(if (not no-endtoend)
(if (> b2 b)
(setq b b2
mod T
);setq then
(setq ss2 (ssadd na2 ss2))
;(entdel na2)
(setq j (+ j 1))
);progn ok to combine end to end
);cond #1 end to end
((< a2 b)
(if (not no-partial)
(if (> b2 b)
(setq b b2
mod T
);setq then
(setq ss2 (ssadd na2 ss2))
;(entdel na2)
(setq j (+ j 1))
);progn then ok to combine partial overlap
);cond #2 overlap
(if mod
(setq e1 (entget na))
(if (acet-angle-equal a b 0.00000001)
(setq e1 (subst '(0 . "CIRCLE") (assoc 0 e1) e1)
e1 (vl-remove (assoc 50 e1) e1)
e1 (vl-remove (assoc 51 e1) e1)
(while (assoc 100 e1)
(setq e1 (vl-remove (assoc 100 e1) e1));setq
(entmake e1)
(entdel na)
(setq na (entlast))
);progn then change it to a circle by entmaking a new circle and deleting the arc
(setq e1 (subst (cons 50 a) (assoc 50 e1) e1)
e1 (subst (cons 51 b) (assoc 51 e1) e1)
(entmod e1)
);progn else just entmod the arc
);progn then modify the first ent before moving on to the next non-overlaper
(setq a a2
b b2
na na2
(setq mod nil)
);cond #3 no overlap
);cond close
(setq n (+ n 1))
(if mod
(setq e1 (entget na))
(if ;;;(acet-angle-equal a b 0.00000001);;********************************************
(acet-angle-equal a b tolerance)
(setq e1 (subst '(0 . "CIRCLE") (assoc 0 e1) e1)
e1 (vl-remove (assoc 50 e1) e1)
e1 (vl-remove (assoc 51 e1) e1)
(while (assoc 100 e1)
(setq e1 (vl-remove (assoc 100 e1) e1));setq
(entmake e1)
(entdel na)
(setq na (entlast))
);progn then change it to a circle by entmaking a new circle and deleting the arc
(setq e1 (subst (cons 50 a) (assoc 50 e1) e1)
e1 (subst (cons 51 b) (assoc 51 e1) e1)
(entmod e1)
);progn else just entmod the arc
);progn then modify the first ent before moving on to the next non-overlaper
;; Return the number of objects deleted and the update selection set
(list j ss2)
);defun my-overkill-resolve-arcs
(defun my-over-data2 ( e1 fuz genprops / p1 p2 dx dy dz m b m2 b2 xv th )
(setq p1 (cdr (assoc 10 e1))
p2 (cdr (assoc 11 e1))
dx (- (car p2) (car p1))
dy (- (cadr p2) (cadr p1))
dz (- (caddr p2) (caddr p1))
;; first get the slope and y intercept in the xy plane.
(if (and (/= dx 0.0)
(setq m (/ dy dx)) ;slope
(< (abs m) 1.0e+010)
(setq b (- (cadr p1) ;y-intercept -> b=y-m*x
(* m (car p1))
);progn then
(setq m nil ;undefined slope
b (car p1) ;x-intercept
);setq else
;; Now get the slope and z intercept in a different plane
(if (and m
;;(equal m 0.0 0.00000001)
(equal m 0.0 tolerance)
;; then use the xz plane because the slope is undefined in the yz
(if (and (/= dx 0.0)
(setq m2 (/ dz dx)) ;slope
(< (abs m2) 1.0e+010)
(setq b2 (- (caddr p1) ;z-intercept -> b2=z-m2*x
(* m2 (car p1))
);setq then
(setq m2 nil ;undefined slope
b2 (car p1) ;z-intercept
);setq else
);progn then use xz plane
;; else use yz plane
(if (and (/= dy 0.0)
(setq m2 (/ dz dy)) ;slope
(< (abs m2) 1.0e+010)
(setq b2 (- (caddr p1) ;z-intercept -> b2=z-m2*y
(* m2 (cadr p1))
);setq then
(setq m2 nil ;undefined slope
b2 (cadr p1) ;z-intercept
);setq else
);progn else use yz plane
(if m
;;(setq m (acet-calc-round m 0.00000001)) ;; xy plane slope
(setq m (acet-calc-round m tolerance))
(if m2
;; (setq m2 (acet-calc-round m2 0.00000001)) ;; yz slope
(setq m2 (acet-calc-round m2 tolerance))
(setq b (acet-calc-round b fuz) ;; y intercept
b2 (acet-calc-round b2 fuz) ;; z intercept
(if (setq th (cdr (assoc 39 e1)))
(setq xv (cdr (assoc 210 e1))
;;xv (mapcar '(lambda (x) (acet-calc-round x 0.00000001)) xv)
xv (mapcar '(lambda (x) (acet-calc-round x tolerance)) xv)
);setq then it has thickness so we need to bring the extrusion vector along for the ride
(if xv
(list 0 m b m2 b2
(my-over-get2 e1 genprops) ;; general data
(list 0 m b m2 b2
(my-over-get2 e1 genprops) ;; general data
);defun my-overkill-line-data
;Takes an elist and a list of group codes and returns a list of dotted pairs for that entity.
(defun my-over-get2 ( e1 genprops / a lst )
(foreach gcode genprops
(if (not (setq a (assoc gcode e1)))
(setq a (list gcode))
(setq lst (cons a lst))
);defun my-overkill-gen-prop-get
;similar to ai_utils version except more precision is allowed for small floating point numbers
(defun my-rtos2 (val / a b units old_dimzin)
(setq units (getvar "lunits"))
;; No fiddling if units are Architectural or Fractional
(if (or (= units 4) (= units 5))
(rtos val)
;; Otherwise work off trailing zeros
(setq old_dimzin (getvar "dimzin"))
;; Turn off bit 8
(setvar "dimzin" (logand old_dimzin (~ 8)))
(setq a (rtos val))
;; Turn on bit 8
(setvar "dimzin" (logior old_dimzin 8))
(setq b (rtos val units 15))
;; Restore dimzin
(setvar "dimzin" old_dimzin)
;; Fuzz factor used in equality check.
(if (equal (distof a) (distof b) 0.00000000000001) a b)
);defun my-rtos2
(defun my-overk-primitives2 ( ss fuz ignore /
flt lst gcode genprops n na e1 tp a b gen c d xv
vlst tmp alst lst2 lst3 j len k
(command "_.select" ss)
(while (wcmatch (getvar "cmdnames") "*SELECT*") (command ""))
(setq flt '((-4 . "<OR")
(0 . "LINE") (0 . "ARC") (0 . "CIRCLE") (0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
(-4 . "<AND")
(0 . "POLYLINE")
(-4 . "<NOT") (-4 . "&") (70 . 88) (-4 . "NOT>") ;8 16 64 not 3dpoly mesh or pface mesh
(-4 . "AND>")
(-4 . "OR>")
ss (ssget "_p" flt)
(if (not ss)
(setq ss (ssadd))
;; build a general props list of group codes the does not include any gcs from the ignore list
;; layer 8
;; linetype 6
;; thickness 39
;; color 62
;; lweight 370
;; plotstyle 390
(setq lst '(8 6 39 62 370 390));setq ;; general properties
(foreach gcode lst
(if (not (member gcode ignore))
(setq genprops (cons gcode genprops))
(setq lst nil)
(setq len (sslength ss)
k (/ len 5)
j 1
(acet-ui-progress-init "Gathering line, arc and circle data " len)
(setq n 0)
(repeat (sslength ss)
(setq na (ssname ss n)
lst nil
((and (setq e1 (entget na)
tp (cdr (assoc 0 e1))
(= tp "LINE")
(setq a (cdr (assoc 10 e1))
b (cdr (assoc 11 e1))
lst (list a b na)
gen (my-over-data2 e1 fuz genprops)
);cond #1
((or (= tp "ARC")
(= tp "CIRCLE")
(setq a (cdr (assoc 50 e1))
b (cdr (assoc 51 e1))
c (cdr (assoc 10 e1)) ;; center
d (cdr (assoc 40 e1)) ;; radius
c (list (acet-calc-round (car c) fuz)
(acet-calc-round (cadr c) fuz)
(acet-calc-round (caddr c) fuz)
d (acet-calc-round d fuz)
xv (cdr (assoc 210 e1))
xv (list (acet-calc-round (car xv) 0.00000001)
(acet-calc-round (cadr xv) 0.00000001)
(acet-calc-round (caddr xv) 0.00000001)
gen (list 1 ;; arc type
c ;; center
d ;; radius
xv ;; extrusion vector (slightly rounded)
(my-over-get2 e1 genprops) ;; general props
(if (not a)
(setq a 0.0
b (+ pi pi)
);setq then circle
(setq lst (list (cdr (assoc 10 e1)) ;; real center
(cdr (assoc 40 e1)) ;; real radius
a ;; start angle
b ;; end angle
);cond #2
);cond close
(if (= j k)
(acet-ui-progress-safe (fix (* 0.5 n)))
(setq j 1)
);progn then
(setq j (+ j 1))
(if lst
(setq vlst (cons (list gen lst);list
);setq then
(setq n (+ n 1));setq
(setq j (/ len 2));setq
(acet-ui-progress-safe j)
;;The approach:
;; -split in two: lines and arcs
;; for lines:
;; -sort by y-intercept
;; for arcs:
;; - sort by radius
;; -lines...
;; - Use a while loop to group the lines with identical y-intercept
;; - Then foreach group use acet-list-group-by-assoc to split into
;; truly unique groups.
;; Assemble the main list along the way using cons for length of 1
;; and append for greater length.
;; - arcs...
;; Handle arcs in same as lines but use radius instead of y-int.
(setq vlst (vl-sort vlst
'(lambda ( a b )
(> (car (car a)) (car (car b))) ;0 or 1 (line or arc respectively)
(while (and (setq a (car vlst))
(= (car (car a)) 1)
(setq alst (cons a alst)
vlst (cdr vlst)
(setq j (+ j (fix (* 0.05 len))))
(acet-ui-progress-safe j)
(setq vlst (vl-sort vlst ;; sort the line list
'(lambda ( a b )
(setq a (car a)
b (car b)
(< (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b)) ;0 slope y-int
(setq j (+ j (fix (* 0.2 len))))
(acet-ui-progress-safe j)
(setq alst (vl-sort alst ;; sort the arc list
'(lambda ( a b )
(setq a (car a)
b (car b)
(< (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b)) ;1 center radius
(setq j (+ j (fix (* 0.1 len))))
(acet-ui-progress-safe j)
(while (setq lst (car vlst)) ;; group by items that have save y-int
(setq vlst (cdr vlst)
a (nth 2 (car lst)) ;y-int
lst2 (list lst)
(while (and (setq b (car vlst))
(equal a
(nth 2 (car b))
(setq vlst (cdr vlst)
lst2 (cons b lst2)
(setq lst3 (cons lst2 lst3));setq
(setq j (+ j (fix (* 0.05 len))))
(acet-ui-progress-safe j)
(setq vlst nil
lst2 nil
(foreach lst lst3 ;; for each group of equal y-int, group by identical car
(setq lst2 (acet-list-group-by-assoc lst))
(if (equal 1 (length lst2))
(setq vlst (cons (car lst2) vlst))
(setq vlst (append lst2 vlst))
(setq lst3 nil)
(while (setq lst (car alst))
(setq alst (cdr alst)
a (nth 2 (car lst)) ;radius
lst2 (list lst)
(while (and (setq b (car alst))
(equal a
(nth 2 (car b))
(setq alst (cdr alst)
lst2 (cons b lst2)
(setq lst3 (cons lst2 lst3));setq
(setq j (+ j (fix (* 0.05 len))))
(acet-ui-progress-safe j)
(setq alst nil
lst2 nil
(foreach lst lst3
(setq lst2 (acet-list-group-by-assoc lst))
(if (equal 1 (length lst2))
(setq alst (cons (car lst2) alst))
(setq alst (append lst2 alst))
(append vlst alst)
);defun my-overkill-ss->primitives